Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor
Emeritus Associate Professor of Physical Oceanography
North Carolina State University
College of Sciences
Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Ph.D. Physical Oceanography, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, May 1970
Professional Experience:
1970 – 1974 |
Assistant Professor, Physical Oceanography, NCSU |
1974 – 2003 |
Associate Professor, Physical Oceanography, NCSU |
1987 – 1992 |
Coordinator, NCSU UNC-W Cooperative Ph.D. Degree Program in Marine Science |
1990 – 1992 |
Director, Natural Resources Research Center, NCSU |
1992 – 1993 |
Acting Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research, NCSU |
1993 – 1995 |
Coordinator University Centers, Institutes and Laboratories, Research Administration, NCSU |
1993 – 2000 |
Chairman, Triangle Universities Environmental Coordinating Council |
1993 – 1998 |
Member of Council on Athletics, NCSU |
1995 – 1998 |
Chairman, Faculty Academic Committee of the Council on Athletics, NCSU |
1996 |
Acting Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, NCSU — July 1 to December 31 |
1998 – 2000 |
Elected Member of Faculty Senate for College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, NCSU |
2000 |
Acting Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, NCSU (January 1 to June 30) |
2000 – 2001 |
Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, NCSU (July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001) |
2001 – 2003 |
Director of Community College Relations and Distance Learning, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (July 1, 2001 to December 31, 2003 |
2004 – present |
Associate Professor, Emeritus, Physical Oceangraphy, NCSU |
- Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor award (1998-2000)
- Outstanding Teacher Award for 1996-97 – MEMBER of the Academy of Outstanding Teachers
- LeRoy and Elva Martin Award for Teaching Excellence, PAMS Foundation, April 2002
- Outstanding Faculty Advisor for 1991-1992 and 1996-97, NCSU Tae Kwon Do Club
Professional Emphasis:
My long-term research interests have centered around the physical processes and dynamics of estuaries, estuarine-ocean dynamics, and finite-depth and shallow-water wave generation and dissipation, with an emphasis on estuaries. In 1987 I sought and moved into my first administrative position, and from 1990 to 1995 that was my full-time responsibility. In August 1995 I returned full-time to my faculty position and then spent two periods as Associate Dean in 1996 and 2000-2001. My latest professional scholarly interests involve innovative course development and educational technologies, including offering an online course on the World Wide Web, one of the first five offered in the Fall Semester, 1997. Through an NSF grant, it also included working closely with four NCSU colleges and 9 community colleges in Eastern NC in a unique articulation partnership.
Because of my January 1, 2004 retirement, I no longer accept new graduate students.
Personal Interests:
- Golf
- Tae Kwon Do (3rd Degree Black Belt and former Certified Instructor)
- American Geophysical Union
- The Oceanography Society
- The Society of the Sigma Xi
- Vice President NCSU Chapter 1997/1998
- President-elect NCSU Chapter 2000/2001
- President NCSU Chapter 2001/2002
Professional Review Panels:
- National Science Foundation
- NOAA – Sea Grant
- Journal of Physical Oceanography
- Office of Naval Research
- Journal of Geophysical Research
- American Meteorology Society
- Australian Journal of Science
Courses Taught at NCSU:
MEA 742 |
Ocean Surface Gravity Wave Theory |
MEA 601, 602 |
Advanced Physical Oceanography |
MEA 560, 561 |
Introduction to Physical Oceanography |
MEA 200 |
Introduction to Oceanography
- Regular Semester Lecture Courses
- Summer Term Lecture Course
- Cable Independent Study, Channel 18, Raleigh – Distance Education Learning Technology Applications (DELTA), NCSU
- Video Independent Study – DELTA
- Regular Semester Web-based Course – DELTA
- Written Independent Study – UNC-CH
ES 100 |
Introduction to Environmental Science |
A. Refereed Journals or Books
1970 |
Reid, R. O. and C. E. Knowles. An Inverse Tsunami Problem. In: Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean (Ed Adams). East-West Center Press, Honolulu, pp. 399-406. |
1973 |
Knowles, C. E. and R. O. Reid. The Inverse Tsunami Problem for Islands of General Shape. In: Tsunami Waves, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, YUZHNO-SAKHALINSK, pp. 61-68. |
1974 |
Knowles, C. E. Salinity Determination from use of CTD sensors. Jour. Phys. Ocean., 4 (2) p. 275-277 |
1977 |
Knowles, C. E. and J. J. Singer. Exchange through a Barrier Island Inlet: Additional Evidence of Upwelling off the Northeast Coast of North Carolina. Jour. Phys. Ocean., 7(1) p. 146-152. |
1982 |
Knowles, C. E. On the effects of finite-depth on wind-wave spectra: 1. A comparison with deep-water equilibrium range slope and other spectral parameters. Jour. Phys. Ocean., 12 (6), pp. 556-568. |
1983 |
Knowles, C. E. On the estimation of surface gravity waves from subsurface pressure records for estuarine basins. Jour. Estuarine, Coast. & Shelf Sci., 17, 395-404. |
1986 |
Knowles, C. E. On finite-depth wind-wave generation and dissipation. In: Wave Dynamics and Radio Probing of the Ocean Surface, Ed: O. M. Phillips & K. Hasselmann, Plenum, New York and London, pp. 145-160. |
B. University Publications
1993 |
Procedures for Creating and Managing Research and Public Service Centers, Institutes and Laboratories, NCSU Office of Research, Outreach and Extension, November 10, 1993, 24 p. |
1995 |
Procedures for Creating and Managing Organized Research and Public Service Units, NCSU Office of Research, Outreach and Extension, June 20, 1995, 34 p. This was a greatly expanded edition of the 1993 procedures manual. |
C. Refereed Technical Reports
1981a |
Knowles, C. E. Estimation of surface gravity-waves from subsurface pressure records for estuarine basins. UNC Sea Grant Publication UNC-SG-WP-81-6 Sept., 18 p. |
1981b |
Knowles, C. E. Wind-wave climatology and wind-tides for Fort Raleigh wave-gauge site, 1979. UNC Sea Grant Publication UNC-SG-WP-81-8, Dec., 37 p. |
D. Book Reviews
1978 |
Knowles, C. E. Review of: Weather for the Mariner, 2nd Edition, By Rear Adm. William J. Kotsch, U. S. Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, 1977, 272 p., for Bulletin of AMS, Sept. 1978. |
1985 |
Knowles, C. E. Review of: Tsunamis: Their Science and Engineering. Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium, May 1981, IUGG Tsunami Commission, Sendai-Ofunato-Kamaishi, Japan, Ed. Iida, K. and T. Iwasaki, 599 p., for EOS, 66(36), September 1985, pp. 631. |
E. Proceedings and Abstracts
1971 |
Knowles, C. E. An Inverse Tsunami Problem for Symmetric Islands of Simple Shape. Trans. AGU, 52(4), p. 240. |
1973 |
Knowles, C. E. Salinity Determination for use with CTD Sensors. Trans. AGU, 54(4), p. 317. |
1974 |
Knowles, C. E., J. J. Singer. Thermographic Anomaly at Oregon Inlet. Trans. AGU, 55(4), p. 1008 |
1975 |
Knowles, C. E. Circulation Dynamics in the Neuse River, N. C. Trans. AGU, 56(12), p. 1008. |
1977 |
Knowles, C. E. Salinity Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil; a physical diagnostic model. Trans. AGU, 57(12), p. 1173. |
1980a |
Knowles, C. E. Equilibrium range slope for shallow-water gravity-wave spectra. Trans. AGU, 61(17), p. 262. |
1980b |
Knowles, C. E. On an empirical attenuation factor for estuarine, wind-driven gravity-waves. Trans. AGU 61(46), p. 987. |
1981a |
Knowles, C. E. Wind-wave spectra and the effects of finite-depth. IUCRM Symposium on Wave Dynamics and Radio Probing of Ocean Surface, Miami Beach, FL, May 1981. |
1981b |
Knowles, C. E. Wind-wave growth and atmospheric stability in a large shallow-water estuary. Trans. AGU, 62(17), p. 313. |
1981c |
Knowles, C. E. Transducer height selection to avoid a maximum compensation factor cut-off in estimating surface gravity-wave from subsurface pressure fluctuations. Trans. AGU, 62(45), p. 93. |
1983 |
Knowles, C. E. The effect of finite-depth on wind-wave spectra. Symposium on the Practice of Physical Oceanography, Texas A & M, April 1983. |
1984 |
Knowles, C. E. Non-ideal fetch wind wave generation. First Annual Duke/UNC Oceanography Symposium, Duke Marine Lab, Beaufort, NC, 17 November 1984. |
1985 |
Knowles, C. E. Evidence of oscillatory currents with semi-diurnal periods in the Neuse River Estuary. Symposium on Circulation Patterns in Estuaries, College of William and Mary, February 1985. |
1994 |
Knowles, C. E. and Russ Lea. Organized University Research and Service Consortial Partnerships: The Importance of Effective Administration!, Proceedings of NCURA Region III and SRA Southern Section Spring Meeting, San Juan, PR, May 15-18, 1994. |
Related Research Grants:
1. |
UNC Sea Grant, “Dynamics of Flow in Estuarine Waters”, total award = $45,759 for period January 1, 1973 – December 31, 1973. Principal Investigators: M. Amein, C. Knowles. |
2. |
UNC Sea Grant, “Dynamics of Flow in Estuarine Waters” total awards – $23,957 for period January 1, 1974 – December 31, 1974. Principal Investigators: C. Knowles and M. Amein. |
3. |
UNC Sea Grant, “The Physical and Biological Parameters Affecting Establishment of Marsh Vegetation for Shoreline Erosion Control”, total award -$44,242 for period January 1, 1977 – December 31, 1977. Principal Investigators: E. Seneca, E. Knowles, S. Broome. |
4. |
UNC Sea Grant, “The Physical and Biological Parameters Affecting Establishment of Marsh Vegetation for Shoreline Erosion Control”, total award – $36,510 for period January 1, 1978 – December 31, 1978. Principal Investigators: E. Seneca, E. Knowles, S. Broome. |
5. |
UNC Sea Grant, “The Physical and Biological Parameters Affecting Establishment of Marsh Vegetation for Shoreline Erosion Control”, total award – $36,510 for period January 1, 1979 – December 31, 1979. Principal Investigators: E. Seneca, E. Knowles, S. Broome. |
6. |
UNC Sea Grant, “Analysis and Prediction of Ocean Surface Gravity Waves on the N. C. Coast”, total award – $10,950 for period January 1, 1979 – December 31, 1979. Principal Investigators: E. Knowles and R. Weisberg. |
7. |
UNC Sea Grant, “Analysis and Prediction of Ocean Surface Gravity Waves on the N.C. Coast”, total award – $28,244 for period January 1, 1980 – December 31, 1980. Principal Investigators: E. Knowles and R. Weisberg. |
8. |
UNC Sea Grant, “The Physical and Biological Parameters Affecting Establishment of Marsh Vegetation for Shoreline Erosion Control”, total award – $8,347 for period January 1, 1980 – December 31, 1980.. Principal Investigators: E. Seneca, E. Knowles, S. Broome. |
9. |
UNC Sea Grant, “Analysis and Prediction of Ocean Surface Gravity Waves on the N. C. Coast”, total award – $52,561 for period January 1, 1981 – December 31, 1982. Principal Investigators: E. Knowles and R. Weisberg. |
10. |
U.S. EPA Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program, “University Partnership Research Agreement”, $79,792 for period October 1, 1995 – September 30, 1997. Principal Investigators: R. I. Bruck and E. Knowles. |
11. |
NSF Advanced Technological Education Program, “Coastal NC Community Colleges and NCSU, Improving Articulation for Workforce Development.” Effort was centered at the Center for Marine Science and Technology (CMAST) and involved 10 down-east community colleges and the Colleges of Physical & Mathematical Science, Agriculture & Life Sciences, Education and Psychology, and Engineering. Total Award $299,940 for period from April 15, 2001 &endash; April 14, 2004. Principal Investigators: Pamela Hilbert and E. Knowles |